أقسام الوصول السريع (مربع البحث)

📁 آخر الأخبار

Test 2 In the History Of English Literature

Test 1

A)  Marks the following statements as Right P or Wrong X on the answer sheet: (B) نموذج
1-   A formal universal determines the form of grammar.

2-   A substantive universal refers to the content of rules.

3-   No single language has a trial number unless it has a dual.

4-   All languages with dominant VSO order have SVO s alternative.

5-   If a language has the category of gender, it always has that of number.

6-   Language universals assert that all languages are cut from the same pattern.

7-   If a language has inflection, it always has derviation.

8-   If a language has the category of number, it always has that of mood.

9-   The Verb ‘‘literature’’ has the main stress on the first syllable.

10-   The verb ‘‘object’’ has the main stress on the second syllable.

11-   The verb ‘‘entertain’’ has the main stress on the final syllable.

12-   The verb ‘‘comfortable’’ has the main stress on the first syllable.

13-   The verb ‘‘determine’’ has the main stress on the first syllable.

14-   he verb ‘‘recollection ‘‘ has the main stress on the second syllable.

15-   The verb ‘‘exaggerate’’ has the main stress on the final syllable.

16-   The noun ‘‘ poisonous’’ has the main stress on the first syllable.

17-   The noun ‘‘comfortable’’ has the main stress on the second syllable.

18-   The adjective compound ‘‘hot-tempered’’ has   stress on the second element.

19-   The noun compound ‘‘loudspeaker’’ has the stress on the first element.

20-   The verb compound ‘‘typewritere’’ has the main stress on the first element.

21-   The compound ‘‘first-class’’ has the main stress on the second element.

22-   The compound ‘‘black-man’’ means a person who is without honor.

23-   The compound ‘‘black-leg’’ means a good ــ for-nothing person.

24-   The compound ‘‘black-sheep’’ means a person ready to participate in honor.

25-   The compound ‘‘red-cap’’ means a member of the police.

26-   The compound ‘‘red-hat’’ means a servant’s hat.

27-   We can use language to speak about and describe language.

28-   Linguistic signs has one function: understanding.

29-   Reciprocity means that speakers and listeners cannot change roles.

30-   There is a strong relation between a linguistic sign and its referent.

31-   Rapid fade is a characteristic of the written form of language.

32-   Onomatopoeia means that linguistic signs sound like what they represent.

33-   Prevarication means the ability to use language to tell facts.

34-   Feedback means that the listener hears language signals,

35-   Arbitrariness means that there is a relation between a word and its referent.

36-   The chimpanzee ViKi learns to articulate baba, mama cup and up.

37-   The chimpanzee ViKi can read from a computer screen.

38-   The Chimpanzee Washoe can articulate four words with difficulty,

39-   The chimpanzee Sarah can communicate using pieces of plastic.

40-   The word ‘‘ Pidgin’’ from a Japanese version of the English word ‘‘business’’.

B)   Identify Errors. One error in each sentence: (B) نموذج  
1-   A jellyfish it has no brain, no bones and no face.
2-   Many people say that California is a state of remarkable diverse.
3-   How the Earth is in the shadow of the moon, we see an eclipse of the sun.
4-   The virtues of ordinary life is the many poems.
5-   Mirrors done of shiny metals were used by Egyptians in ancient times.
6-   The root anchors the planet firmly in the soil.
7-   Intonation is the rise and fall of voiced level in speaking.
8-   A large percentage of Canadian business is with the United State.
9-   Fertilize farmland is one of the biggest natural resources in the   Central States.
10-      With a policy of eminent domain, the state has control ultimate of property.
11-     Rock music was originally a mixed of country music and blues rhythm.
12-      Earwax lubricates and protect the ear from foreign matter such as insects.
13-     When the Second World War, almost a third of a million people was killed.
14-      carbohydrates and fats are two essential sources of energy for animal grow.
15-     The use of drugs without medicine supervision can be danger.
16-     The use of chrmistry  weapons in war is a crime against humanity,
17-     Without alphabetical order, dictionaries would be impossible to used.
18-      The corals can be divided into three groups, two of which is extinct.
19-     Traditionally, the flag is risen in the morning and taken down at night.
20-     The real number of the students in my classes are unknown.
21-     The valuable of the dollar declines as the rate of inflation rises.
22-     In architecture, a vault is a roof or ceiling in the shapes of an arch,
23-      Forests provide natural beauty and furnish food and covered for wild life.

24-     On most scales, zero marks the starting point or the neutralize position.
25-     Authenticity stained glass is colored while the glass is in a liquid state.
26-     Alike other forms of energy, natural gas is used to heat homes and run cars.
27-     Keith’s company headquarters were formal located inPhiladelphia.
28-     Weather we drive or fly depends on the length of the vacation.
29-     The scarcity of good doctors in rural areas is astonished.
30-     Alike other forms of energy, natural gas is used heat homes and run cars.

C)   Marks the following statements as Right P or Wrong X on the answer sheet: (B) نموذج
1-   Rapid fade is a characteristic of the written form of language.

2-   Semanticity means that linguistic sibs are connected to elements in the world.

3-   Onomatopoeia means that linguistic signs sound like what they represent.

4-   Prevarication means the ability to use language to lie.

5-   Reflexiveness means using language to speak about language.

6-   Feedback means that the listener hears language signals,

7-   Arbitrariness means that there is a relation between a word and its referent.

8-   The chimpanzee Viki learns to articulate baba, mama cup and up..

9-   The chimpanzee Washoe can articulate four words with difficulty,

10-         The chimpanzee Sarah can communicate using pieces of plastic..

11-         Bess use dancing to communicate information about nectar.

12-         The signn ‘‘ˆˇ‘‘ used in American Sign Language means up and up.

13-         The Sign ‘‘‹›’’ used in American Sign Language means fight.

14-         The noun ‘‘durability’’ has the main stress on third syllable.

15-         The noun ‘‘mechanization’’ has the main stress on the fourth syllable.

16-         The noun ‘‘employee’’ has the main stress on the final syllable.

17-         The noun ‘‘zoologist’’ has the main stress on the second syllable.

18-         The noun ‘‘governor’’ has the main stress on the first syllable.

19-         The noun ‘‘cathedral’’ has the  main stress on the first syllable.

20-         The adjective ‘‘punishment’’ has the main stress on the second syllable.

21-         The adjective ‘‘confidential’’ has the main stress on the third syllable.

22-         The adjective ‘‘photographic’’ has the main stress on the third syllable.

23-         The Noun ‘‘holocaust’’ has the main stress on the first syllable.

24-         The adjective compound ‘‘bad-tempered’’ has stress on the second element.

25-         The noun compound ‘‘typewriter’’ has the stress on the first element.

26-         The verb compound ‘‘gunman’’ has the main stress on the first element.

27-         The compound ‘‘third-class’’ has the main stress on the second element.

28-         The compound ‘‘green-christmas’’ means a snowy Christmas.

29-         The compound ‘‘red-card’’ means out of the game.

30-         The compound ‘‘green-eyed’’ means very beautiful.

31-         The compound ‘‘black-guard’’ means a person who is without honor.

32-         The compound ‘‘ black-sheep’’ means a good ـــfor nothing person.

33-         A formal universal determines aspects of meaning..

34-         A substantive universal refers to the content of rules.

35-         No single language has a trial number unless it has a dual.

36-         All language with dominant VSO order have OSV as alternative.

37-         If a language has the category of gender, it always has that of number.

38-         Language universals assert that all languages are cut from the same pattern.

39-         Greenberg works with three languages to discuss language universals.

40-         If a language has inflection, it always has deviation.

A)  Identify Error. One error in each sentence: (A, B, C, or D )

1-   Forests provide natural beautify and furnish food and cover for wild life.
2-   On most scales, zero marks the starting point or the neutralize position.
3-   Authenticity stained glass is colored while the glass is in a liquid state.
4-   Alike other forms of energy, natural gas may be used to heat homes and run cars.
5-   Animals use their tooth to chew, to seize food and to fight.
6-   Animation is a technique that creates the illusion of mover in drawings.
7-   Most measurements involve to read some type of scale.
8-   The soybean is undoubted the king of beans that is utilized widely in the world.
9-   The surface of the tongue covered with tiny taste buds.
10-          Grasses form a substantial partly of the diet of many ruminants.
11-         The word ‘‘classic’’ comes of the Latin and initially meant ‘‘superior.’’
12- The common field mouse is four inches long and has a tail of three-inched tail.
13- Without alphabetical order, dictionaries would be impossible to used.
14- The corals can be divided into three groups, two of which is extinct.
15- Traditionally, the flag is risen in the morning and taken down at night.
16- The real number of the students in my class are unknown.
17- The valuable of the dollar declines as the state of inflation rises.
18- In architecture, a vault is a roof or ceiling in the shapes of an arch.
19- Blue ribbons were tied on the head and hands of the Olympic victor.
20- The spectators cheered and threw prizes to the Olympic victor.
21- An able flyer, a crow may travel 30 or 40 miles the day before it returns home.
22- The primary concern of the central bank is to maintainencebanking structure.
23- A manifesto is an itemizing list of the goods a vessel is carrying.
24- Antibiotics ca be convenience grouped according to microorganism.
25- The word ‘‘ Pantheon ’’ means all the Roman gods.
26- An atheist is a person who believes in God.
27- A monotheist is a person who believes in more than oneGod.
28- An identity documentary is very important in police station.
29- The harmful effect on athletes is one reason to encouragedoping.
30- The scare of good doctors in rural areas is astonishing.
31- Friendship and trusty are criteria of relationship betweentwo people.
32- She wrote and productioed her first play while she was in high school.
33- A number of reporters was at the conference yesterday.
34- Everybody who has a fever must go home immediate.
35- Neither Jill nor her parents has seen this movie before.
36- Despite of the rain and snow, more than 50000 fans attend the match.

37- A turtle differs from other reptiles in that its body is encase in a protective shell.
38- It is extremely important for an engineer to know to use a computer.
39- The oxygen content of Mars is not sufficient enough to support life.
40- After declaring bankruptcy, the company was forced to liquefy its assets.
41- The best way to eliminate a pest is to control the food accessibly to it.
42- An explanation will proceed each section of the test.
43- A manifesto is an itemizing list of the good a vessel is carrying.
44- Antibiotics ca be convenience grouped according tomicroorganism.
45- Linoleum is a trade name for the floors covering often used in kitchens.
46- Industrialist H. Ford introduced motor assembly-linedtechniques.
47- Keith’s company headquarters were formal located in Philadelphia.
48- How the Earth is in the shadow of the moon, we see an eclipse of the sun.
49- Weather we drive or fly depends on the length of the vocation.
50- After any war, the world desires a lasting piece.

D)  Marks the following statements as Right P or Wrong X on the answer sheet: (B) نموذج
1-   All language with dominant VSO order have OSV as alternative.

2-   If a language has the category of gender, it always has that of number.

3-   Language universals assert that all languages are cut from the same pattern.

4-   Greenberg works with three languages to discuss language universals.

5-   If a language has inflection, it always has deviation.

6-   Feedback means that the listener hears language singnals.

7-   Arbitrariness means that there is a relation between a word and its referent.

8-   The chimpanzee ViKi learns to articulate baba, mama cup and up.

9-   The Chimpanzee Washoe can articulate four words with difficulty,

10- The chimpanzee Sarah can communicate using pieces of plastic.

11- Bees use dancing to communicate information about nectar.

12- The signn ‘‘ˆˇ‘‘ used in American Sign Language means up and up.

13- The Sign ‘‘‹›’’ used in American Sign Language means fight.

14- The noun ‘‘durability’’ has the main stress on third syllable.

15- The noun ‘‘mechanization’’ has the main stress on the fourth syllable.

16- The noun ‘‘employee’’ has the main stress on the final syllable.

17- The noun ‘‘zoologist’’ has the main stress on the second syllable.

18- The noun ‘‘governor’’ has the main stress on the first syllable.

19- The noun ‘‘cathedral’’ has the  main stress on the first syllable.

20- The adjective ‘‘punishment’’ has the main stress on the second syllable.

21- The adjective ‘‘confidential’’ has the main stress on the third syllable.

22- The adjective ‘‘photographic’’ has the main stress on the third syllable.

23- The Noun ‘‘holocaust’’ has the main stress on the first syllable.

24- The adjective compound ‘‘bad-tempered’’ has stress on the second element.

25- The noun compound ‘‘typewriter’’ has the stress on the first element.

26- The verb compound ‘‘gunman’’ has the main stress on the first element.

27- The compound ‘‘third-class’’ has the main stress on the second element.

28- The compound ‘‘green-christmas’’ means a snowy Christmas.

29- The compound ‘‘red-card’’ means out of the game.

30- The compound ‘‘green-eyed’’ means very beautiful.

31- The compound ‘‘black-guard’’ means a person who is without honor.

32- The compound ‘‘ black-sheep’’ means a good ـــfor nothing person.

33- A formal universal determines aspects of meaning..

34- A substantive universal refers to the content of rules.

35- No single language has a trial number unless it has a dual.

36- Rapid fade is a characteristic of the written form of language.

37- Semanticity means that linguistic sibs are connected to elements in the world.

38- Onomatopoeia means that linguistic signs sound like what they represent.

39- Prevarication means the ability to use language to lie.

40- Reflexiveness means using language to speak about language.

B)Identify Error. One error in each sentence: (A, B C, or D)

1-   Linoleum is a trade name for the floors covering often used in kitchens.
2-   Industrialist H. Ford introduced motor assembly-linedtechniques.
3-   Keith’s company headquarters were formal located in Philadelphia.
4-   Weather we drive or fly depends on the length of the vacation.
5-   After any war, the world desires a lasting piece.
6-   Animation is a technique that creates the illusion of mover in drawings.
7-   Most measurements involve to read some type of scale.
8-   The soybean is undoubted the king of beans that is utilized widely in the world.
9-   The surface of the tongue covered with tiny taste buds.
10-    Grasses form a substantial partly of the diet of many ruminants.
11-   The word ‘‘classic’’ comes of the Latin and initially meant ‘‘superior.’’

12-   The common field mouse is four inches long and has a tail of three-inched tail.
13-   Without alphabetical order, dictionaries would be impossible to used.
14-   The corals can be divided into three groups, two of which is extinct.
15-   Traditionally, the flag is risen in the morning and taken down at night.
16-   The real number of the students in my class are unknown.
17-   The valuable of the dollar declines as the state of inflation rises.
18- In architecture, a vault is a roof or ceiling in the shapes of an arch.
19- The side-effects of doping include insomnia, exhaustion and violent.
20- ‘‘Cult’’ is a way of lifean attitude, or an idea that become unpopular.
21- An able flyer, a crow may travel 30 or 40 miles the day before it returns home.

22- The primary concern of the central bank is to maintainencebanking structure.
23- A manifesto is an itemizing list of the goods a vessel is carrying.
24- Red ribbons were tied on the head and hands of the Olympic victor.
25- The harmful on athlete, is one reason to ban doping.
26- The harmful effect on athletes is one reason to encouragedoping.
27- An explanation will proceed each section of the test.
28- Keith’s company headquarters were formal located inPhiladelphia.
29- Weather we drive or fly depends on the length of the vacation.
30- The scarcity of good doctors in rural areas is astonished.
31- Friendship and trusty are criteria of relationship betweentwo people.
32- She wrote and productioed her first play while she was in high school.
33- A number of reporters was at the conference yesterday.
34- Everybody who has a fever must go home immediate.
35- Neither Jill nor her parents has seen this movie before.

36- Despite of the rain and snow, more than 50000 fans attend the match.
37- A turtle differs from other reptiles in that its body is encase in a protective shell.
38- It is extremely important for an engineer to know to use a computer.
39- The oxygen content of Mars is not sufficient enough to support life.
40- After declaring bankruptcy, the company was forced to liquefy its assets.
41- The best way to eliminate a pest is to control the food accessibly to it.
42- An explanation will proceed each section of the test.
43- A manifesto is an itemizing list of the good a vessel is carrying.
44- Antibiotics ca be convenience grouped according tomicroorganism.
45- Forests provide natural beauty and furnish food and coveredfor wild life.
46- On most scales, zero marks the starting point or the neutralize position.

47- Authenticity stained glass is colored while the glass is in a liquid state.
48- Alike other forms of energy, natural gas is used to heat homes and run cars.
49- Animals use their tooth to chew, to seize food and to fight.
50- Tom, together with his 20 friendsare going to the cinema.

Mahmoud Mohamed
Mahmoud Mohamed